Pipe-Flo Donates Software

AEST  received a generous donation of engineering software which provides students in the Fluid Power course exposure to an actual tool used in industry. PIPE-FLO is a fluid system modeling and calculation software. Mr. Joe Benefield facilitated both the donations and training needed to get the systems up and running. Fifty license keys were donated, and the experience it provides the students gives them valuable experience with an industry-standard tool.

This donation made it possible for the software to be activated not only on lab computers but on individual students’ computers.

Contributed by: Dr. Joe McCade

Working Together: Supporting Susquehanna Litho Club

AEST, in conjunction with University Information Technology Services, has been supporting webinars offered by the Susquehanna Litho Club (SLC). The club typically hosts in-person meetings for their members, guests, and graphics students on various technical and industry-related topics. Due to pandemic restrictions, SLC was unable to hold meetings in their usual format and sought a partner to provide a technical solution. The University was able to host webinars for three of SLC’s events.

The first of the three 60-minute webinars was A Glimpse into the Future of Printing Technology. It was held on October 15, 2020, and was presented by Jim Workman, Vice President of Technology and Research at Printing United Alliance. The State of the Printing Industry webinar was held January 28 and featured a presentation by David Wilaj, Economist and Market Research Analyst at Printing United Alliance. The third webinar, Growing your Business with Interactive Printing, was hosted on March 18 by UnifiedAR co-founder and Executive director Steve Belshaw, and Todd Foster, their local authorized representative. The webinars were moderated by Donna Painter, Applied Engineering and Technology Management Coordinator. Millersville students from the graphic communication concentration were able to participate, along with SLC members in these webinars.

It was a pleasure for AEST to be able to partner with the Susquehanna Litho Club to provide ongoing professional development for their members as well as Millersville students. The webinars also provided an opportunity to promote the Graphic Communication and Packaging Engineering Technology programs.

Contributed by: Ms. Donna Painter, Applied Engineering & Technology Management Coordinator

New Degree Launch: Packaging Engineering Technology

The department has been authorized to offer a new Bachelor of Science degree in Packaging Engineering Technology (PET) starting in Fall 2021. Packaging Engineering Technology focuses on the application of scientific, technological, industrial design and business principles to the development of packages and packaging materials, including raw material production, conversion of raw materials into usable forms, industrial design, distribution, and post-use recycling and reuse. This program includes instruction (and hands-on technical experiences) related to principles of packaging, materials testing, package design (graphics & structural), prototype construction, print for packaging, manufacturing, as well as related business and marketing concepts including packaging regulations and quality control. The curriculum will primarily focus around the corrugated cardboard packaging industry and students are currently being accepted into the major. For more information about the program contact Dr. Mark Snyder at mark.snyder@millersville.edu

Progress Update for AEST Innovation Center

The AEST Innovation Center has made some forward progress over the past academic year. A site was chosen for the building on Centennial Road near the ATM machine on the southern end of campus. A professional cost estimate was performed by an external, with the flexibility to scale the facility up or down based upon available funds. While close to $150,000 has already been raised from private supporters towards this project, the University is in need of additional support to make this a reality.  There are a variety of naming opportunities and ways to support the project available. Continue reading “Progress Update for AEST Innovation Center”