Friday, April 19th, 2024
Featured News News

Old Dorm Furniture Donated

With the razing of residence halls comes a wealth of furniture marked for donation.

A variety of furniture, including bed frames, desks and dressers were recently loaded into a truck by CCIRSH to be given to those in need.

If you’ve spent any time at Millersville University in the past few, you may have noticed the construction of new, and the demolition of old, residence halls. Over the next few years, the old residence halls will be replaced by suite-style living areas. With the razing of residence halls comes a wealth of furniture—from desks and chairs to mattresses and dressers. The University decided to donate all the furniture from Lenhardt Hall to charities, including Habitat for Humanity and Catholic Charities Immigration and Refugee Services of Harrisburg (CCIRSH).

“CCIRSH provides lodging for refugees who found their way here from Somalia, Iraq and many other third world countries,” said John Cox, assistant director of purchasing

and campus services. “These people came here with nothing, so at least these beds and dressers will provide them with a comfortable place to sleep and a place to store their clothes.”

Lenhardt Hall, along with fellow high-rise residence hall Burrowes, will be demolished this summer.

One reply on “Old Dorm Furniture Donated”

I hope the community will get advanced notice when the two high rises are imploded this summer…great educational lesson for kids to see..

great idea about the donation…just another reason why I am proud to be an MU ALUMNI………….

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