Saturday, April 20th, 2024
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First Cabinet Fellow: Dr. Richard Clark

President John Anderson recently appointed Dr. Richard Clark, chair of the earth sciences department, to serve as the first fellow.

Dr. Richard Clark

To provide department chairs who may have an interest in advancing their career the opportunity to observe and participate in the discussions of the Millersville University president’s cabinet, the University established the position of “Cabinet Fellow.” President John Anderson recently appointed Dr. Richard Clark, chair of the earth sciences department, to serve as the first fellow.

The president and his cabinet decided to establish this position as a professional development opportunity for department chairs. “We are instituting this unique opportunity as an avenue to increase our internal candidate pool for potential administrative vacancies in the future,” explained Dr. Vilas Prabhu, provost and vice president of academic affairs. “The cabinet fellow will experience firsthand the workings of a university president’s cabinet as they manage a modern American public university.”

The cabinet fellow is a full member of the president’s cabinet. As such, they are expected to attend and participate in all cabinet meetings. The appointment of a cabinet fellow is made at the sole discretion of the president for a one or two-semester term. The fellow’s duties and responsibilities will be performed outside the scope of the department chair’s normal duties. Any interested academic department chair is eligible.

“I am pleased to have Rich serve as our first fellow,” said Anderson. “Rich brings with him a wealth of knowledge as a long-time University employee, and his perspective as a faculty member will undoubtedly enrich our cabinet discussions. I look forward to working with him in this capacity.”

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