Thursday, April 25th, 2024
Featured News News

Weathering the Storm

Eric Horst, director of the MU Weather Information Center, can now track the location of lightning strikes and storms with great detail.

Eric Horst tracks lightening with the help of Weather Bug

When a storm approaches Millersville, the Millersville University (MU) Weather Information Center is on it. The MU Weather Center will observe an evolving storm and can now track the approximate location of the lightning strikes.

This is possible through the Weather Bug lightning detection network, a new software program that allows a meteorologist to observe and track lightning occurring anywhere in the United States. Millersville University was recently invited to test out the program when it first arrived.

“Although Millersville University has had a partnership with Weather Bug for several years, the recent acquisition of this program allows us to monitor lightning in our area with incredible resolution, down to a city block in detail,” said Eric Horst, director of the MU Weather Information Center. “Rather than simply know that lightning has occurred within a certain distance of Millersville, we can now track the location of lightning strikes and identify lightning trends and storm track with great detail. This allows us to not only warn better, but we can analyze strike location and strike patterns post-storm.”

The lightning-detection program gives the MU meteorologist another powerful tool when briefing Millersville University coaches, administrators and the local community during severe weather events.

To stay up-to-date on the local weather forecasts, visit the MU Weather Information Center at:

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