My first semester in Millersville University

Everyone has to make make choice in their life, and I made the most great choice in my life which is transfer to Millersville University. I had spent one and a half year in a Florida University and already finish my freshman year. It was a very hard decision, but time had proved it was a great choice.

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I had study ESL class for this semester. When I heard this at the first time, I was not so happy, but after those classes begun, they are definitely different than I thought, every class was useful and full of energy. I really like my instructors which are Mrs. Janet and Mrs. Maria, that was a great time. Mrs. Janet taught me many speaking skills and how to improve my pronunciation. Mrs. Maria taught me how to write a very good outline before every essay. I’m sure my English had developed a lot in this semester. mubrick

I got a lot of help when I first came to this University. Mrs. Kristin, Mrs. Christina and Mr. Dean, they all from Global education, which is the most helpful program for international students in this University. I remember when I first came here Mr.Dean leaded me to my room, Mrs. Kristin and Mrs. Christina told me how to register my classes, and we had many great time during our Field trip. Spirit-Mark-2-Color

Whatever happens, thanks for everyone in this University give me a great semester. I think this is the place where I want finish my University life.

Homestead Village

Last three we had a very exciting trip to homestead village . During this trip I made two good friends, Dave and Patti. They are all very good person, I’m glad to have friend like them. We had some great time teogther  . We talked about famliy, culture, study and travel experience. Mr. Dave was a engineer when he was young and he also was a radio operator, Mrs Patti was a teacher and office manager. I really like share travel experiences with them cause I like travel too, when we talk about travel experiences frist time, I can’t believe they had been to so many countries, also Mr. Dave taught many about how to study in college level, they are very usefull for me.478FB49F-3FDB-45BC-A42B-25694E3824BD

We also shared many interesting part of American culture and Chinese culture, we talked about festival and food. Frist week I taught some Chinese words. And second week I talked about a very famous Chinese festivel called DuanWu festival, and I learned many thing about thanksgiving that week.  Last week was the most exciting week we given a presentation about Chinese New Year, that was a very good time. I like the feeling of sharing interesting things of Chinese culture. EE37C0E9-6FFA-4132-80F9-96B8EC0C0F33

This is the goodest trip I have been in American and this is the frist I have learned so many things about American people’s daily life, and so many things about American culture, this is one of the most important class in my life. 00002IMG_00002_BURST20171117103809_COVER