Student Discount on Tickets to Chamber Concert

Student Discount on Tickets to Chamber Concert
The Lancaster Symphony Orchestra Presents

Ernesto, Igor and Friends
A dynamic blend of guitar, violin, oboe and percussion in a unique chamber concert experience.
Internationally renowned classical guitarist and composer Ernesto Tamayo and Igor Yuzefovich, violinist and concertmaster will be joined on stage by three exceptional musicians from the Lancaster Symphony Orchestra: Michelle Farah, oboe; Netanel Draiblate, violin; and Tom Blanchard, percussion. They will perform classical favorites from Paganini, Bach, Barrios-Mangoré, Bartok, Shostakovich and Pills and selections from Ernesto Tamayo’s original compositions.

Sunday, April 10, at 3 p.m.
Steinman Hall, Millersville University-Lancaster
Tickets: Students with ID $17.50 (half price)
Call 872-3811 or online at

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